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Debris Commander's Cutlass

Epic Rare
Debris Commander's Cutlass

YARRRR! When ye sail through seas of madness, ye cannot know what debris ye'll salvage. Only the bravest Commanders are willin' t' risk their sanity (and their crew) on such an uncertain venture. (CC to Trim,Accessory.)

  • Icon iwsword
  • Type (Weapon) Sword
  • Rarity Epic Rare
  • Most used Enhancement Bravery lvl 0001 4x
  • Requirement
  • Level 1
  • Stack 1x
  • Quantity 1x
  • Shop Cost 300 RC
  • Game Quantity 24x
  • Temporary No
  • VIP Only No
  • Marketable Yes
  • Sellable Yes

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