The Thunderbergs were always known as fast as a lightning so they became one with lightning giving them shocking horrors and thus the name thunder, thunderbergs
Dodge Melee
The Thunderbergs were always known as fast as a lightning so they became one with lightning giving them shocking horrors and thus the name thunder, thunderbergs
"Thunderbergs are good in:","-PvP Combat","-Critical Attacks","-Dodging attacks","-Item Hunting\""
A kind of fast attack that easily tries to kill the enemy bit-by-bit
Creates a static electrical attack that makes the enemy cry over 12 Million Gigawatts
A powerful electric attack that will vortex around the enemy.
Overloads you with electrical energy whenever you casts a spell. The charge is released on your next attack as an electrical burst, dealing more damage to the enemy.
Dodge chance increased by 15%
Critical strike chance increased by 15%
The most powerful technique of the thunderberg's, attacks the enemy with extreme lightning attacks that hits hard and casts you a battle boost!
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