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1. It's a PRANK No SHOP No Quest Find my Wife; there is a QUEST and SHOP with Her Click The Talk To See The Guide (Newbie) -Siegg!!

2. To gather valuable items, explore the following areas: /join Infernalpath /join Deadlair /join Summer2021 /join Summer2021 /join Pubshelby /join EpicAnime /join EpicAnime /join Anime /join Death /join Toxicarea /join Toxicarea /join Mercutio /join Darkpath /join Revontheus /join DreadRobot /join Aventurica

3. /join Hollowrealm /join Landoflost /join Hallomoglow /join Pride /join BadSwissEvent /join BadSwissEvent /join Kreantzcastle /join DragonSlayer /join LegionArena /join TreasureIsland /join UnderGate /join RedaqAnniversary /join Adventures /join Depthsea

4. To make your character stronger, follow these steps: Levels 1-50: Type /join ForestNewbie. Levels 50-150: Move on to /join Up. Levels 150-400: Progress to /join Up2. Levels 400-600: Join /join Up3. Levels 600-850: Access /join Lair. Beyond level 850: Use Limit Break to unlock more levels.

5. 1. To get boosts, follow these steps: Type /join Newbie. 2. To earn RedCoins, follow these steps: Type /join Coin. Defeat the DarkPig Coin Boss to get RedCoins. 3. To gather class points, follow these steps: Type /join Knight. Defeat Imp Mobs to accumulate class points.

6. Even though it is smaller than the others, when you are happy you lift it as if it were the biggest. It is what? (the answer should be in anatomical term and add "_IMSMART" in the code like the answer is blabla u should type it in redeem "blabla_IMSMART") The answer is the Redeem Code: