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  • Level 5000
  • Health 25,000
  • Mana 500
  • Attack Speed 2 seconds
  • Respawn time 10 seconds
  • Total kills 6828630x

Megumin Auto Attack.

  • Damage Base 20
  • Mana Cost 0
  • Distance Near
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Auto
  • Cooldown 1 second
  • Hit Targets 1x
  • Mana Increase 30%

Throws Chomusuke, dealing light to moderate damage.

  • Damage Base 120
  • Mana Cost 40
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Magical
  • Cooldown 5 seconds
  • Hit Targets 1x

Unleashes the power of a Crimson Demon, increasing your critical and hit chance to 100% before casting Explosion. (4 secs buff, only use before Explosion).

  • Damage Base -100
  • Mana Cost 60
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Self
  • Type Magical
  • Cooldown 8 seconds
  • Hit Targets 1x
  • Mana Increase 20%
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Duration 3 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Self Critical +90
    • Self Hit +500
    • Self Magic Boost +50


  • Damage Base 300
  • Mana Cost 400
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Magical
  • Cooldown 29 seconds
  • Hit Targets 3x
  • Mana Increase 20%

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1. RedAQ's Dev

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1. My greetings, o fated monarch. I think it is time for you to complete your destiny and walk the path of godhood. I can sense that you are ready for a power to conquer worlds. If you are, then come take a look at my wares and take what you need.

universe Enter/join universe

1. I you help to deal with a recent threat to our universe.