If it has to do with the universe, it's cosmic. The planets, for instance, are cosmic bodies. When you use the word cosmic to describe something big, you often use it with the word, proportions. A big mistake might be an error of cosmic proportions.
Mana regeneration methods
Stats description
Hit 5 target in short range, recover 2% hp and 5% mana regen each hit increasing your damage by 3% each hit, up to 10 times.
Never miss.
Damage Base 35
Mana Cost 0
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Auto
Cooldown 1 second
Hit Targets 5x
Health Increase 2%
Mana Increase 50%
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 5x
Duration 9 seconds
SelfDamage Boost +50
An aura that causes damage over time.
Removes the aura Cosmic Curse from Self on use
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Dealing damage at any range and put your target grounded, increasing their damage taken by 25% and lower dodge chance by 30%. Applies burn.
Never miss.
Damage Base 125
Mana Cost 35
Distance Far
Affects Enemy
Type Magical/Physical
Cooldown 4 seconds
Hit Targets 3x
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 4 seconds
EnemyEvasion -30
EnemyDamage Resistance -30
Deals moderate to high amount of damage to single target, applying DoT amplifier with a chance of applying stun to the target
Never miss.
Damage Base 130
Mana Cost 50
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Magical/Physical
Cooldown 5 seconds
Hit Targets 3x
An aura that stuns.
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 2 seconds
Chance 40%
An aura that stuns.
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 3 seconds
EnemyDamage Over Time Resistance -50
Blast an impact of damage all your target and applies damage overtime.
Damage Base 150
Mana Cost 70
Distance Far
Affects Enemy
Type Magical/Physical
Cooldown 5 seconds
Hit Targets 5x
An aura that causes damage over time.
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Cosmic Passive. Increases critical chance by 20% and Outgoing Damage by 10%.
SelfDamage Boost +50
SelfCritical +20
Deals massive damage to targets, reducing their evasion by 30% and their defenses by 50%.