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Gathering the Letters

Quest ID: 1009
Gathering the Letters

Wow, you found a letter! Only Master Manamancers can write in Runes, I'm sure that this letter was from Jotaceh! I can read this. It says that he is almost done with his master creation. Oh no! We need to be faster! The end runes in the letter are fading to green. Go now to the green rune door and kill the dragon there, bring me the other piece of paper!

Good! Let me see what we have to do next...
  • Experience 1,000
  • Coins 0 RC
  • Class points 0
  • Class points 0
  • Faction
    • ManaCraft, Reputation +1,000
  • Required Level 100
  • Energy cost 10
  • VIP Only No
  • Once No
  • Party of 4 is required No




Action Item